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Meet the Lavender Oil:


This blend is our most well-rounded and multi-use! It is also considered our lightest weight on the skin. The Lavender energy was so delicate and precise that it wanted to be expressed in only one oil- MCT/fractionated coconut oil. Less is more.


Uses: This blend works well for so many uses! It's great for make-up removing and oil cleansing because of Lavender's anti-bacterial properties. It's wonderful as a bath additive, to put on the chest or the bottom of your feet at night, as a massage oil, in the hair, and even as after sun care! It can also be used as an all over moisturizer or a facial serum as well, this bottle can do so much! Experiment and trust what the product is guiding you to! If you feel to use it for something specifically, listen with your heart and trust.



Organic MCT/ Fractionated Coconut Oil

Organic Lavender Flowers

Vitamin E Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Vanilla Essential Oil

Amethyst Crystals


Storage: All infused oils are packaged in glass dropper bottles. They do best staying at room temperature. It is not recommended for them to be exposed to direct sunlight or heat for extended periods of time. 

Lavender Serum

  • The energy of Lavender permeates at all levels and is considered a cooling, third eye & crown chakra herb. 


    On an emotional level, lavender assists with depression and helping to balance emotions. The scent of this one carried so much of it's own, lavender is lavender. It is a very light, uplifting, and calming scent for the soul. 


    On a physical level, lavender assists with nervous system regulation, headaches, and balancing the circadian rythm!


    On a spiritual level, it helps to quiet the chatter of the mind (the EGO) and promotes intuitive connection and spiritual innerstanding.


    The energy of the product is important to take into consideration when choosing! What you do to the body, you do to the soul. Only take what resonates and what you are guided to!

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